Integration FAQs

Q: Would our server get an increase in load when using the autoscriber API?

A: It shouldn't change, since there'll simply be http requests and most of the load would be on the embedded browser on the EHR.

Q: Are there limitations per minute for APIs?

A: We have rate-limiting per API key in case of extreme usage from a specific source, but it's mainly to avoid disruption of the service.

Q: Where does Autoscriber process the data with an API-integration?

A: Nothing is stored locally at the EHR and the data is stored on Autoscriber servers.

Q: What is the bandwidth usage per minute for a user (on average)?

A: Bandwidth usage would depend on the hospital's bandwidth limit itself, but anything from 10mbps would be good enough.

Q: Could you elaborate on the ports used for the sending of data?

A: We use common http and https ports (80/443).

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